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Garden Club Constitution


Garden Club: (A Garden Club for Otterhampton with Combwich and Steart).


Garden Club will promote and support gardening in Otterhampton with Combwich and Steart.

Garden Club will enable gardens and people to flourish by helping each other get what we need from our gardens.

Garden Club is about having fun.

The aims of Garden Club will be achieved by arranging events and activities suggested and requested by members of Garden Club.

The Aims of Garden Club and how to achieve them where

  • Developed by those who attended Garden Club’s announcement on the 8th

    February 2023.

  • Ratified unanimously by those who attended Garden Club’s first meeting on

    the 8th March 2023.


    Membership of Garden Club is

  • Open to residents of Otterhampton with Combwich and Steart and their


  • From 8th March 2023 until 30th April 2024 for the initial year.

  • Renewable annually from 1st May to 30th April thereafter.

  • Subject to an annual fee determined by the membership and agreed at an

    Annual General Meeting in April. Annual membership fee will be payable in May.

    Garden Club will keep a register of names and contact details of members. Membership and Privacy Policies will be available to all members.


    Garden Club will be managed by a Management Team of elected and non-elected Garden Club members with elected and non-elected roles.

    Elected members with elected roles include Chair, Vice Chair, Administrator and Financial Administrator.

    The elected roles of Chair, Vice Chair, Administrator and Financial Administrator will be executive roles.


The Chair shall

  • Promote and advocate for the aims and values of Garden Club.

  • Chair Management Team and Garden Club meetings.

  • Hold a casting vote if necessary.

  • Not remain in post for more than two consecutive years.

    Chair’s action can only be taken

  • After discussion with those in executive roles.

  • After consultation with elected and non-elected members where practicable.

    The Vice Chair shall

  • Promote and advocate for the aims and values of Garden Club.

  • Chair Management Team and Garden Club meetings in the absence of the


    The Administrator shall

  • Take minutes of the Management Team meetings.

  • Prepare agendas in consultation with the Chair.

  • Maintain a membership list.

  • Be responsible for all correspondence.

  • Distribute relevant information to Garden Club members.

    The Financial Administrator shall

    • Have responsibility for Garden Club’s finances.

    • Keep proper and accurate accounts of financial income and expenditure.

    • Provide a financial report at each Management Team meeting.

    • Authorise financial transactions with one other member in an executive role.

    • Present an annual account to the Annual General Meeting.

      The financial accounting year of Garden Club shall be from the 1st January to the 31st December.

      Non-elected members will

  • Have specific roles as determined by the aims of Garden Club.

  • Be re-appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

    Non-elected roles may become elected roles.

    Management Team shall

  • Promote the aims and values of Garden Club.

  • Be limited to twelve members.

  • Meet quarterly and at times considered necessary.

  • Be a quorum with 75% of elected members in executive roles and 50% of

    other elected and non-elected members.

  • Receive an agenda prior to meeting.

  • Approve minutes of previous Management Team meeting.

  • Work to an agenda with items from members.

  • Receive a financial report from the Financial Administrator.

  • Review and agree single item expenditure limit as and when necessary.

  • Approve single item expenditure over single item expenditure limit.

  • Make decisions by consensus and agreement.

  • Keep and make minutes available to all members of Garden Club.

  • Be supported by Garden Club members with specific roles.


If a quorum of Management Team is not met, Management Team can

  • Meet if deemed necessary.

  • Make decisions subject to approval at the next Management Team meeting.

  • Approve planned projects, events or activities for ratification at the next

    Management Team meeting

  • Implement chair’s action if deemed necessary.

    Club Meetings

    Regular meetings of Garden Club will be

  • Held each month were practicable.

  • Open to members of Garden Club, their families and visitors and potential

    new members.

    Annual General Meetings of Garden Club shall

  • Be held in April.

  • Be open to all members of Garden Club.

  • Receive, hear, comment and approve previous minutes of the Annual

    General Meeting.

  • Hear the Chair’s Report.

  • Receive an annual account from the Financial Administrator.

  • Confirm the financial accounting year.

  • Consider and determine additional elected roles.

  • Re-elect and elect members to elected roles.

  • Re-appoint and appoint members to non-elected roles.

  • Re-appoint members to specific support roles.

  • Discuss any resolutions.

  • Decide and vote on any resolutions.

    Garden Club members shall have

  • One month’s notice of the Annual General Meeting.

  • Two weeks notice of any resolutions.

    Events, Activities, Shows and Competitions

    Events and activities organised by Garden Club will be open to members of Garden Club, residents of Otterhampton with Combwich and Steart their families and visitors.

    Shows and competitions organised by Garden Club will be open to members of Garden Club, residents of Otterhampton with Combwich and Steart and their families.

    Entrance fees associated with events, activities, shows and competitions will be determined by the Management Team in consultation with members.

    All profits from events, activities, shows and competitions will belong to Garden Club.


Dissolution of Garden Club

Garden Club can be dissolved at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary Meeting by agreement of two thirds of members present.

Any monies in the Garden Club’s possession will be donated to an agreed local charity.

The Constitution

No changes can be made to the original aims of Garden Club.

No changes can be made to the constitution unless agreed at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose.

Any changes must have a two thirds majority vote of members attending. 

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